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The payment method is through our Mobile Application with integrated payment gateway services which is available on both the Android Play Store and iOS App Store.

No, ARRIVO is a ticketless solution which doesn’t require a ticketing machine or Autopay machine. Users will make their payment through mobile.

In ARRIVO’s mobile application, there’s a subscription option for vehicle sharing drivers. So, users can subscribe to the plan and register the vehicle under the name of the sharing members.

No, there’s no option for users to get refund, and the credits cannot be withdrawn after topping up with the respected payment options provided.

CCTV cameras provide an ongoing record of movements, they are not designed to capture specific information for any given setting whilst LPR cameras are designed to read and capture number plates at varying distances and then refer that information back to a software system which deals with the information in varying ways depending on the objective of the systems. For instance, car parking allows the camera to initiate entrance and exit of the vehicle with the information provided from the vehicle.

The system provides 99% of reliability and accuracy. However when outlier occurs, there will be backup and the lost amount will be fully compensated from our end. Please contact our support team when there’s any outliers and our team will be taking action as soon as possible.

License plate and the entry(s) number of the cars are easily traceable, browseable and searchable thru the dashboard and it’s powered by Cloud Technologies.

Pricing will display at the Top Up page on the mobile application. Users can top up any amount they like but in the minimum of RM20.

Due to the electronic wallet is connected to user’s credit/debit card so it can be an out-of-bound error from the end of the bank. If the balance in the user’s account is lesser than the transaction amount, the individual will be notified that they have insufficient balance. However, if the users repeatedly failed to be credited, the individual will be blacklisted and the vehicle will be clamped.